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In this conversation, Sean Russell and Max Vader go head to head debating the good and bad merits of Hunter x Hunter.

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Episode Title: “Hunter x Hunter”
Episode Count: 
Run Time: 
Sean Russell
Guest(s): Max Vader
Taping: May 28, 2014
Air Date: June 13, 2014
Download: Click Here

Special Note:

There will be spoilers in this podcast. We will spoil the mess out of Hunter x Hunter.


In this conversation, Sean Russell and Max Vader go head to head debating the good and bad merits of Hunter x Hunter. On one side, Sean Russell is a huge fan of both the anime and manga enjoying both the characters and unpredictability of the series. Max on the other hand takes issues with the characters, overall writing and the general world building. Chime in on our comments section on how you think it went and what you think about the series. Get your notepads, we cover a lot of ground in this two hour conversation.


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