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It’s the most pretentious episode of the Anime 3000 Podcast yet, as Fightbait and perennial guest Benu join Andrew and Sean to discuss why the otaku uses words such as seiyū and mangaka–is there a weaboo ulterior motive? The panel also weighs in on to what extent anime merits analytical discussion, with asides related to “fauxfundity” (pretentious) and NPR (über-pretentious). BONUS! Andrew explains how to cheat your GameFly queue, and JP cries Nazism. Wait, what? I’m not clarifying,

Episode Title: Nazi Mangaka and their Weaboo Fans
Episode Count: 033
Run Time: 1:34:12
Host(s): Sean Russell, Andrew Choi
Guest(s): Benu, Fightbait
Download: Click Here