by MaxVader | Jan 27, 2015 | Articles, Columns
The Weeaboos Were Right: How Japanese Anime is Superior to Western TV by Max Vader No, this title is not disingenuous clickbait meant to get as many views as possible – this is A3K, not Kotaku. I can understand how one would get that impression, though. After...
by Andrew Erickson | Jan 23, 2015 | Articles, Columns
Please Stop Making School Anime by Andrew Erickson Anime producers have a tried-and-true method of coming up with crowd-pleasing shows. Every few years, executives from every big-name studio meet up, put all their old ideas on a bingo board, and play a round. Every...
by Christopher Kinsey | Jan 21, 2015 | Articles, Columns
Dean Talks Anime The Best Anime Magazine You Never Read: PULP A review/opinion by Christopher Kinsey I’m going to say I miss magazines. Unlike comic books, magazines now of days are a piece of media that can be completely obliterated by the internet. Any...
by Jack | Jan 15, 2015 | Articles, Columns
Protagonists to Villains: Anime Heroes That Would Rock as Villains by Jack Dalton Allistar Ahh, the heroes of anime. They’re always so…good. But what about the “heroes” off the beaten path? The world of anime would be a very dull place without them. They’re...
by MaxVader | Jan 7, 2015 | Articles, Columns
The Good, The Bad and The Lolis: Children in Anime It’s time for a subject very near to my gag reflex: The depiction of children in anime. Child characters are admittedly a hard thing to get right, but some of these nitwits in the anime industry are so bad at it, they...
by Andrew Erickson | Dec 19, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Most people who enjoy anime are content to just watch it. But for some, the shows being put out by official production outfits is unsatisfactory. These enterprising individuals, often with nothing but MS Paint and a Youtube account to their name, set out to create...
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