by Andrew Erickson | Dec 19, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Most people who enjoy anime are content to just watch it. But for some, the shows being put out by official production outfits is unsatisfactory. These enterprising individuals, often with nothing but MS Paint and a Youtube account to their name, set out to create...
by Christopher Kinsey | Dec 18, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Dean Talks Anime El-Hazard: Tenchi Muyo’s Lost Step-Brother An opinion/review by Christopher Kinsey I will begin my article by completely alienating my audience. *AHEM* The entirety of the Tenchi Muyo series is crap and has, in many cases, is a catalyst that has...
by MaxVader | Dec 12, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Battle of the Genres: Romance, Harem and Hentai by Max VaderLet’s kick this off with a big one, shall we? In the following article I intend to show you that two of anime’s most popular genres are inherently trash and ruin every show made with them in mind....
by Andrew Erickson | Dec 3, 2014 | Articles, Columns
The Problem with Visual Novels by Andrew Erickson Let’s talk about visual novels. By and large they’re poorly written and full of porn, and I could leave it at that, but I want to take a look at why the format has jumped headlong into appealing to the...
by Mr. Russell | Dec 1, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Each week we will bring you a list of anime rankings and recommended titles that range from series, movies, simulcasts and more. We’ve created this update to help you keep track of the changes from week to week. This first volume covers updates to our rankings...
by Christopher Kinsey | Nov 20, 2014 | Articles, Columns
Dean Talks Anime: Excel Saga and the Common Language of Humor A review/opinion piece by Christopher Kinsey “Go My forced perspective action figures! Go!”Drama is easy, comedy is hard. Someone said that once, and it’s only half true. Humor is only hard when you...
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