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Qwaser of Stigmata is the subject of another episode of 2 Guys and a Mic, as both Jahmere and Mike rip on its second season.

Episode Title: “Omnes Relinquite Spes, o Vos Intrantes” 
Episode Count: 
Run Time: 
Jahmere Durham, Mike Martinez
Executive Producer: Sean Russell
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Opening: “Rasen, Arui wa Seinaru Yokubo” by Faylan
Closing: “In the name of God” by Toshihiko Sasashi

In the epic quest to continue the fight against the demon known as Qwaser, Mike Martinez and Jahmere Durham battled viciously against the beast, taking blow after blow from its terrible story, and unneeded and excessive fanservice. Public peeing, and anal play are just the tip of the iceberg with this season. But somewhere along the way Mike suffered a grievous wound to his soul and comes up with the opinion that, compared to other things, Qwaser wasn’t that bad. As the only sane person left in the fight, and battered and bruised after taking 12 episodes of this poison in, Jahmere makes his final stand against Qwaser in an epic showdown to save his friends soul. He summons all of his power and grabs his pen and pad…..

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Jahmere Durham and the “Laughing Man” a.k.a Michael Martinez are the hosts of the 2 Guys and Mic podcast and bring a comedic yet informative approach to their frequent rants on anime, manga, and Japanese culture.

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