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In continuing with Satoshi Kon coverage, we decided to devote our entire Bonus Round to getting listener, staff and podcaster reactions. This includes a few messages from staff members Zac Lowe and Fernando Ramos. We also have a message from an A3K listener and another from fellow podcaster, Viga the Otagal. Rounding out the podcast we are showcasing a clip from our directors panel where Zac Bertschy, Daryl Surat and Bradley Meek discuss the work of Satoshi Kon. It’s interesting to hear what they thought of Satoshi Kon before his passing.

Download this Episode of the Bonus Round

Episode Title: “Satoshi Kon Remembered” 
Episode Count: 
Run Time: 
Sean Russell
Guest(s): Zac Lowe, Fernando Ramos, Viga the Otagal, Zac Bertschy, Daryl Surat, Bradley Meek
Executive Producer: Sean Russell

Introduction (0:00 – 2:10)

We would like to thank you once again for supporting the A3K Network and listening to the Bonus Round. This is a special Friday edition, but you can expect to normally see the Bonus Round released on Thursdays. We decided to continue our Satoshi Kon coverage because we had audio originally meant for the panel from some of our staff and listeners. I felt it would make more sense to put those audio clips on the Bonus Round and couple them with our previous Satoshi Kon podcast from last year.

Viga the Otagal (2:10 – 4:05)

We would like to thank Viga the Otagal for her contribution to the show

Zac Lowe (4:05 – 9:00)

Zack is a valued member of our staff that is known for his weekly podcast reviews. He was recently featured on last week’s Bonus Round podcast. We want to thank Zack for his contribution in this week’s show and you can find more of his work at the Cult It or Can It podcast.

Kimeraman from the District of Columbia (9:00 – 10:30)

We want to thank him for calling in and leaving his thoughts about Satoshi Kon and the podcast. If you would like to leave your thoughts, you can call us at our Google Voice number, (954) 780-6201.

Fernando Ramos (10:30 – 15:50)

Fernando is a producer for as well as a contributor to Otaku USA. Currently he is a teacher in Japan and spends most of his time as a professional photographer.

Satoshi Kon Panel from A3K Panel S02E03 (15:50 – 24:50)

Daryl Surat, Zac Bertschy and Bradley discuss the work of Satoshi Kon months before his passing. It’s interesting to see if their current opinions of the director are affected by his passing. You be the judge.

Closing (24:50 – 27:41)

We encourage you to leave feedback on these episodes and let us know what you think. You can also check out our support section to see how you can further help our site grow. If you’re a podcaster or video producer, we also want to work with you. So contact us for more information.


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