On the first episode with the show’s new co-host, The Other Side explores the strange and twisted world of hentai manga and doujin.
Episode Title: “The Really Gross Episode”
Episode Count: 26
Run Time: 01:19:04
Host(s): Cody Baier, Max Vader
Executive Producer: Sean Russell
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Alex is gone, but a new co-host arrives to take his place. Max Vader, German connoisseur of the strange and surreal, joins The Other Side as Cody’s new co-host. In his debut episode, Max joins Cody in a look at what is quite possibly the most sick and twisted thing those in the anime fandom must live with; the existence of hentai manga and doujin. When a horny, repressed Japanese artist is allowed to let his fetishes and sexual preferences run wild in an environment without any oversight or scrutiny, what the rest of the world gets is a slew of hornball horrors. Images that will burn themselves in your mind, and haunt your nightmares, all brought to you by people that you know, right off the bat, by virtue of just being a decent person, you are better than them. An underground cesspool of sheer sleaze alleviated only by the fact that, no matter how surreal and disgusting it is, it’s just drawings. It may not do much to help, but at least it’s something…
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